How I wish that my adoptive parents had even a sliver of the same kind of curiosity, caring, empathy, and compassion towards me. I've never been recognized or respected as my own person by them and my grief was never even a factor to consider. I was just a troublemaker, a burden, disobedient. Never worthy of understanding, just punishment. I grew into an overachieving adult who struggles with depression, anxiety, c-ptsd, and periodic suicide ideation. I'm still learning who I am at 47. All of your advice points were right on and honest, as well as your expressed appreciation for this parent's concerns. Thank you.
Hi HS Diaz, Thank you for sharing and for your kind words. You're more than welcome. I feel the same way about wishing my APs would have had even a tiny bit of this type of empathy and compassion. I am so sorry for all you have gone through. You deserve so much more. We all do. You are not alone! Hugs to you!
How I wish that my adoptive parents had even a sliver of the same kind of curiosity, caring, empathy, and compassion towards me. I've never been recognized or respected as my own person by them and my grief was never even a factor to consider. I was just a troublemaker, a burden, disobedient. Never worthy of understanding, just punishment. I grew into an overachieving adult who struggles with depression, anxiety, c-ptsd, and periodic suicide ideation. I'm still learning who I am at 47. All of your advice points were right on and honest, as well as your expressed appreciation for this parent's concerns. Thank you.
Hi HS Diaz, Thank you for sharing and for your kind words. You're more than welcome. I feel the same way about wishing my APs would have had even a tiny bit of this type of empathy and compassion. I am so sorry for all you have gone through. You deserve so much more. We all do. You are not alone! Hugs to you!